I’m so happy you stopped by! It seems like dropping in for a visit has gone out of style.

I have been a Jesus believer all my life. I have been a wife since 1981, a mother since 1983, and a grandmother since 2008. I have three children, ten grandchildren, and more than the usual complement of parents and siblings. I was a homeschool mom, and a teacher at a classical Christian school. Currently, I am a language arts tutor and a homeschool mentor.

Books have always been important to me. I have read many thousands of books in my lifetime, and sometimes, for a minute or two, I can feel overwhelmed by the thought that, with millions of books published each year, it would be impossible for me to read all the books. But then I remember, most of them aren’t worthy of my time. One of our goals at Plumfield and Paideia is to help you sort the literary gems from the publishing slash pile.

Further Up and Further In is my literature unit study for homeschooling.
